Weblogs for Use in ESL Classrooms (TESL/TEFL) (2025)

The Internet TESL Journal
Aaron Patric Campbell
apc33 [at] rocketmail.com
Ryukoku University (Seta, Japan)
The purpose of this paper is to introduce three ways that weblogs can be used to support ESL classroom learning. After defining what a weblog is, I will proceed to show how weblogs can be put into immediate use in theESL classroom by means of three distinct types: the tutor weblog, learner weblog, and class weblog. I will also mention the software available for creatingand maintaining weblogs.

What is a Weblog?

A weblog (or 'blog') can be thought of as an online journal that an individual can continuously update with his or her own words, ideas, and thoughts throughsoftware that enables one to easily do so. Unlike a standard website, weblogentries are made by typing directly into the browser and with the click ofa button are instantly published on the internet. All basic document formatting,like spacing, bold, italics, underline, and creating links, requires no knowledgeof HTML or FTP (File Transfer Protocol), so that anyone who can type, copy,and paste can create and maintain a weblog. However, with a very basic knowledgeof HTML, users can extend their ability to customize the layout of theirblog and even add pictures to enhance its attractiveness. Similar to an openjournal, the accumulation of writings and other content creates both a recordof learning and a resource for others. Furthermore, a weblog is interactive,in the sense that readers can respond to any given entry with a comment andeven threaded discussions can take place depending on the software chosen.

Even though weblogs have been in existence since the very beginning ofthe world wide web itself (Winer, 2002), free, commercially available 'bloggingsoftware' of the type discussed in this article, seems to have made its firstappearance in July of 1999 (Blood, 2000). Because of the relative quicknessand ease of publishing this type of software affords, the number of usershas grown tremendously since then, and we can now observe blogs being usedfor personal, educational, journalistic, and commercial purposes. In thefollowing section, I will introduce three possible ways that weblogs couldbe put to immediate use with ESL classroom learning.

Three Types of Weblogs for Use in ESL Classrooms

The Tutor Blog

This is a type of weblog that is run by the tutor for the learners. It servesthe following purposes:

  • It gives daily reading practice to the learners. Sometimes students find assigned reading material too boring, difficult, or hard to relate with.This is because it is often written with another purpose in mind. So whobetter to write to them than the person who knows them best: the teacher.Entries are kept short, geared towards the learner interest, and linked torelated online sources for further reading if desired. Vocabulary used inclass can be recycled this way. New vocabulary words can be linked to definitionson other sites found with a search engine. Furthermore, a casual, naturalwriting style can be used by the tutor to develop learner familiarity withnative language patterns.
  • It promotes exploration of English websites. Any entrymade by the tutor can and ought to encourage further exploration of the Internetin English by linking to related articles, and content based websites. For those learners reluctant to step outside the comfort of exploring the Web in their native language, being led to interesting English language sites will increase their confidence and help to overcome their aversion.
  • It encourages online verbal exchange by use of comment buttons. At the bottom of each entry, any blog reader can make a comment that can beread and further commented on by all who access the site. Ask your students questions, give them riddles, challenge their views; whatever it takes toencourage them to comment.
  • It provides class or syllabus information. Entries inthe blog can also serve to remind students about homework assignments andupcoming discussion topics. Links can be provided to sites that introducerelevant topics of discussion. The tutor can also follow up on difficultareas of classroom work that might need review or clarification. In addition,a permanent link to the classroom syllabus and rules can be included on theblog.
  • It serves as a resource of links for self-study. In theright and/or left margins of the blog, permanent links can be set-up andorganized to aid the learner in self-study, for example links to online quizzes,English news sites, key-pal networks, audio and video files for listeningpractice and ESL interactive websites.

The Learner Blog

These are blogs that are either run by individual learners themselves or by small collaborative groups of learners. In ESL, learner blogs may be bestsuited for reading and writing classes. A common reading assignment can befollowed by blog postings on the thoughts of each learner or group of learners.Furthermore, the act of constructing the blog may encourage the use of searchengines and net surfing in English to find the appropriate sites to whichlinks can be made. This will empower the learner to direct the readerto sites of choice for further reading. Individually, blogs can be used asjournals for writing practice, or as free-form templates for personal expression.The idea here is that students can get writing practice, develop a senseof ownership, and get experience with the practical, legal, and ethical issuesof creating a hypertext document. In addition, whatever they write can instantlybe read by anyone else and, due to the comment features of the software,further exchange of ideas is promoted. Tutors can even run a mega-blog ofselect topics of interest gleaned from student blogs so that the broaderissues are brought into focus on a single website.

The Class Blog

This type of blog is the result of the collaborative effort of an entire class. The following are some possible uses:

  • In conversation-based classes it could be used like a free-form bulletin board for learners to post messages, images, and links related to classroom discussion topics. It could also be a space for them to post thoughts on acommon theme assigned for homework.
  • With intermediate and advanced learners, class blogs might alsouseful for facilitating project-based language learning, where learners canbe given the opportunity to develop research and writing skills by beingasked to create an online resource for others.
  • Class blogs could also be used as a virtual space for an international classroom language exchange. In this scenario, learners from different countries would have joint access and publishing rights to the blog. The entireexchange would then be transparent to all readers and could be followed andcommented on by other learners, tutors, parents and friends.
  • For reading and writing classes, it might also involve the useof knowledge management software, like Userland's Manila, that allows fora great deal of threaded discussion behind the scenes. Much like a publishinggroup, individual learners can be given varying amounts of responsibilityto publish material arising from postings on the discussion list. The resultsof this effort are what is seen on a website by the public at large.

Weblog Software

For those looking for weblog software, there are several dozen choices atpresent, all of which have different features. One major issue to consider is whether or not installation is required. Some weblog software is run ona central, web-based server, while others require to be downloaded and installedon a local server. For teachers without much technical know-how or support,the first option might be the easiest. Another important issue is cost. Someweblog software is free, while others may start at $5 and run up to $100dollars a year or more to operate. Companies that are presently offeringfree blogging software and hosting services without commercial advertisingare WebCrimson, Diaryland, UpSaid, and Pitas.com. Sign-up is very simpleand only requires an email address. You and your students can be up and bloggingin a short amount of time. Do some research to find out which software isthe best for your particular needs.


By introducing the three types of weblogs above and mentioning the software necessary, I hope to draw the attention of other practitioners to both thepotential that weblogs have to support classroom-based ESL learning and theease with which an ESL blogging project could be started.

Visit the Author's Blog

My tutor blog, called 'The New Tanuki' <http://thenewtanuki.blogspot.com/>, was made with software called 'Blogger' from Pyra Labs in San Francisco, andcosts $15 a year without any commercial advertising. With commercial advertisingit would have been free.



The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. IX, No. 2, February 2003
Weblogs for Use in ESL Classrooms (TESL/TEFL) (2025)


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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.