HireVue Interview Guide - How to Ace HireVue Interviews in Finance (2024)

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A digital interviewing technology company that allows recruiters and human resource managers to conduct interviews through the internet

Author:Yihan (Kyra) Du

HireVue Interview Guide - How to Ace HireVue Interviews in Finance (1)

Yihan (Kyra) Du

I'm Yihan (Kyra) Du, a student at the University of Texas at Austin with a bachelor's degree in finance. My professional journey has been marked by my roles at Morgan Stanley in the IPO and Bank of America in the wealth management teams. I bring a supportive and detail-oriented approach to my work, backed by a strong business aptitude. My expertise spans across financial planning and analysis, financial modeling, IPO processes, reconciliation, and risk analysis, showcasing a well-rounded skill set in the finance sector.

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Reviewed By:Himanshu Singh

HireVue Interview Guide - How to Ace HireVue Interviews in Finance (2)

Himanshu Singh

Investment Banking | Private Equity

Prior to joining UBS as an Investment Banker, Himanshu worked as an Investment Associate for Exin Capital Partners Limited, participating in all aspects of the investment process, including identifying new investment opportunities, detailed due diligence,financial modeling&LBOvaluation and presenting investment recommendations internally.

Himanshu holds anMBAin Finance from the Indian Institute of Management and a Bachelor of Engineering from Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology.

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Last Updated:September 29, 2023

In This Article

  • What Is AHireVue Interview?
  • Benefits Of HireVue Interview
  • HireVue Interview Preparation Tips
  • Common HireVue Interview Questions To Practice
  • Investment Banking HireVue Sample Questions

What Is AHireVue Interview?

HireVue is a digital interviewing technology company that allows recruiters and human resource managers to conduct interviews through the internet.

HireVue Interview Guide - How to Ace HireVue Interviews in Finance (3)

Big banks like JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley and accounting firms such as Deloitte often rely on HireVue to screen candidates in the first-round interview, as the hiring platform is designed to automate workflows and simplify hiring.

It helps recruiters determine which candidates are best suited for a specific job by using proprietary machine learning algorithms that collect and analyze data points in video recordings and predict candidates' future job performance.

Developed with some top-notch industrial-organizational psychologists, Hirevue's AI-first analyzes candidates' videos to narrow down the candidate pool. Then the company's recruiter can further review candidates' answers and compare their traits.

A qualified candidate is selected by their gestures, tone, facial expression, eye and body movements, clothing details, and the whole context of a response.

HireVue Interview Guide - How to Ace HireVue Interviews in Finance (4)

To conduct such an interview, candidates need to click the hiring company's link, then log in to the HireVue interface. Candidates then record their answers to pre-set questions and click submit to upload their answers.

It normally allows candidates to take a few practice questions before participating in the official interview.

It is worth noting that once the official interview starts, there is no way to restart it. Candidates are given 30 seconds to prepare the interview question before answering it. Answers are also time-limited.

  • HireVue is a digital interviewing platform used by big banks and accounting firms to automate and streamline the hiring process.
  • Video interviews provide flexibility for candidates and allow them to showcase their qualities beyond their resumes.
  • HireVue's AI analyzes candidates' videos, helping recruiters predict future job performance based on job requirements.
  • Preparation is key for a successful HireVue interview, including practicing answers, maintaining natural delivery, and researching the company.
  • Common interview questions for HireVue include behavioral and technical questions, offering candidates an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and skills.

Benefits of HireVue Interview

Some of the benefits of HireVue Interviews are:

HireVue Interview Guide - How to Ace HireVue Interviews in Finance (5)

1. Flexibility for candidates

Video interviews provide candidates with the flexibility to participate in an interview wherever they are located and whenever works for them.

In addition, video interviews also allow candidates to present and express themselves in a way that phone interviews cannot translate. Video interviews allow candidates to show characteristics and qualities, not on their resumes.

2. Automate the hiring process

As mentioned above, It uses its specific AI technologies to help recruiters assess candidates and predict their future work performance based on the job requirements.

It provides comprehensive insights for recruiters to further select potential candidates and save time in the hiring process.

3. Making scaling hiring easy

With HireVue, candidates can take their interviews through smartphones, laptops, or other devices with cameras.

Compared to an in-person interview, this saves candidates and recruiters time as it streamlines the early interview process and eliminates the coordination efforts of scheduling first-round interviews.

HireVue Interview Preparation Tips

As mentioned above, top investment banks usually use this technology for the first-round interview. Therefore, if the candidate passes the first round, they will be contacted by HR for upcoming interviews.

HireVue Interview Guide - How to Ace HireVue Interviews in Finance (6)

The interview typically contains 3 to 5 questions. For each question, you have 20 to 30 seconds to prepare and 90 seconds to record your answer. Most questions are primarily behavioral, with an occasional technical problem.

Some companies allow you to re-record your answers if unsatisfied, but others do not. The entire interview session usually lasts 10-15 minutes.

Once you have finished the sample questions, you can review your answers and watch how you performed. The sample questions prepare you for the actual interview. Make sure you take as much time as you need to get ready.

Practice makes perfect. To do well for the interview, you must practice as many questions as possible before the actual interview.

Below are some best practices:

HireVue Interview Guide - How to Ace HireVue Interviews in Finance (7)

  • DO NOTmemorize or read your answers. Instead, maintain eye contact in front of your camera. HireVue can filter out whether you are reading from your “cheat sheet” or not.

  • Maintain your speed.Make sure you practice your answers until you can recite them without breaks or long pauses. When delivering your solutions, focus on your pace and speed.

  • Keep your answers natural. Record your answers as if you’re speaking to an actual person.

  • Be careful with your facial expression and voice inflection, as HireVue scores your performance using data collected from verbal and nonverbal cues.

  • The dress code is important. For example, if you are interviewing for a corporate role, you must wear formal or business casual.

  • Researchthe company, job descriptions, and position functions before the interview. In addition, you should familiarize yourself with the company’s services, culture, history, and recent news.

  • Try networking with people who work at the company that you’re interviewing for. First, ask them questions about the specifics of the company. Then integrate their answers in your response when asked questions like “Why do you want to work here?”

  • Your interviewenvironment is crucial. Although the HireVue interview does not require the interviewee to be at a specific location, it is essential to ensure the environment is quiet and the background is relatively plain.

Common HireVue Interview Questions to Practice

HireVue interview is quite different from the traditional, face-to-face interview because it requires candidates to record a video themselves.

HireVue Interview Guide - How to Ace HireVue Interviews in Finance (8)

According to past candidates' experiences, below are the top 10 most common interview questions for all positions:

  1. First, tell me a little about yourself.

  2. What are your long-term career plans?

  3. What made you leave your previous job?

  4. Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses.

  5. Why do you want to work here? / Why are you interested in pursuing a career at XXX company?

  6. What is a time you faced an ethical dilemma?

  7. What is something about yourself you would like to share that is NOT on your resume?

  8. What makes you unique?

  9. What was a time you disagreed with your team, why was that, and how did you work through it with your team?

  10. What do you think [the role] does?

Technical Questions for IB

HireVue Interview Guide - How to Ace HireVue Interviews in Finance (9)

  1. Tell me about a recent event happening in the world. What is its impact on the financial market?

  2. What division of Markets are you most interested in, and why?

  3. What is beta, and provide an example of a high/low beta company?

  4. How do you invest a million dollars?

  5. Pitch me a stock.

  6. What is your understanding of the IBD division and the analyst role?

  7. Why would a liquidation model be relevant right now?

  8. How are the three financial statements linked?

Investment Banking HireVue Sample Questions

Some of the samples are:

A)Goldman Sachs

HireVue Interview Guide - How to Ace HireVue Interviews in Finance (10)

Walk me through your resume.

You are asked to lead a team of employees from multiple divisions in different countries.

  • What steps can you take to encourage a positive working environment for everyone on the assignment?

  • How would you build camaraderie?

  • What would be your thought process for determining what to do?

You discovered that your coworker has been falsifying information in their reports to make them look more productive.

  • Would you report this, even though it could hurt your relationship with them?

  • What factors would you consider?

  • How do ethics and integrity impact what you would report?

Describe a recent IB transaction you followed in the news. What are some exciting aspects?

What characteristics make an investment banker successful, and provide examples of how you embody those characteristics.

B)Bank of America

HireVue Interview Guide - How to Ace HireVue Interviews in Finance (11)

  1. Explain why your background and experience would be a good fit for this job. Can you tell me about yourself and why you are interested in working with us?

  2. Which key accomplishments best illustrate your initiative and willingness to push beyond what is required?

  3. What is one major current event happening in the world, and how might it impact the markets and the role you have applied for?

  4. Describe a situation where you were required to learn a new process to perform effectively and quickly.

  5. Describe a time when you had to react quickly or immediately decide to solve a complex problem. What approach did you take in this situation?

If you would like to learn more about the interview process, be sure to check out our IB Interview Course:

Everything You Need To Break into Investment BankingSign Up to The Insider's Guide on How to Land the Most Prestigious Jobs on Wall Street.Learn More

Researched and Authored by Yihan Du | LinkedIn

Reviewed and Edited by Hongmo Liu | LinkedIn

Free Resources

To continue learning and advancing your career, check out these additional helpful WSO resources:

  • Behavioral Interview Questions
  • Icebreaker Interview Questions
  • Informational Interview
  • Phone Interview Questions
  • Thank You After Interview Email
HireVue Interview Guide - How to Ace HireVue Interviews in Finance (2024)


How to get a high score on HireVue? ›

Video Interview Tips
  1. Treat it like any other interview. Prepare for your HireVue like you would for any job interview. ...
  2. Find a quiet place with good wifi. Virtual interviewing is similar to the video calls many of us have been using. ...
  3. Take advantage of the practice questions. ...
  4. Be yourself.

How do you stand out in a HireVue interview? ›

Maintain eye contact in front of the camera as if you're speaking face-to-face with a person. Make sure to enunciate your words and try not to stutter or have long pauses. You always want to be in the position of being ready to answer what's being asked. Don't forget to keep it natural.

How do I get past a HireVue interview? ›

Keep your body in a calm and composed state. Voice modulation: When answering, be sure to emphasize important words and take pauses when needed. Speaking in a single tone feels like reciting a script, so imagine you are in a real interview and speak naturally. Smile: Don't forget to smile.

How to answer common HireVue questions? ›

During the interview:
  1. Keep calm, and talk in a confident, natural, non-confrontational tone.
  2. Give structured, short answers.
  3. Make sure that your responses match your goals.
  4. Cut down tics or fillers like 'umm', 'a', 'like' etc.
  5. Avoid long pauses.

Does HireVue track eye movement? ›

As an AI-based technology, the HireVue platform can track and analyze your eye and mouse movements and assess your voice to identify potential instances of cheating.

What do recruiters look for in HireVue? ›

Video-based assessments evaluate both what you know about performing the job (“hard skills” or competencies) and what recruiters call “soft” competencies, like communication skills, conscientiousness, problem-solving skills, team orientation, and initiative.

Are all HireVue questions the same? ›

All candidates applying to a position will receive the same set of questions, selected by the hiring company. Additionally, HireVue takes measures to prevent candidates from seeing these interview questions before they are taking an interview.

How much do HireVue interviews matter? ›

Of course. Companies have invested in the platform to help them with their hiring process. They are certainly taking their investment seriously. Approach a HireVue interview with the same amount of professionalism as you would any other interview.

Can I read off a script for HireVue? ›

Reading from a script – you might get away with this in a phone interview, but video makes it very obvious that you're not “natural.” Speaking too quickly. Again, this might be OK on the phone, but video makes it much worse. Aim for 100-125 words per minute.

What is the best answer for "Tell me about yourself"? ›

Explain how your personal values, work ethic, or personality align with the company's mission, culture, and needs. Career Goals. Talk about how this role aligns with your long-term career aspirations and how you can contribute to the company's success. Hobbies and Interests.

Can you redo answers on HireVue? ›

Once an interview response has been submitted, it's not possible to return to that question in the interview. It may be possible for you to be sent a new interview link in order to retake the interview from the beginning, however you would need to contact the hiring company with this request.

How to dress for a HireVue interview? ›

Dress for the part: You wouldn't go to a real interview in a t-shirt and shorts, so don't do it for your HireVue interview. Dress in business attire (suit pants or skirt, shirt, and blazer). Don't wear anything distracting like a big watch, flashy nail colors, or too much makeup.

How to ace a digital interview? ›

How to make a good impression in a virtual job interview
  1. Prepare in advance. ...
  2. Show up on time. ...
  3. Dress for success, even remotely. ...
  4. Think about your background. ...
  5. Make “eye contact” with the camera. ...
  6. Stay focused and visibly engaged. ...
  7. Don't rely on a cheat sheet, but be prepared. ...
  8. Remember to stay responsive after you wave goodbye.

How do you introduce yourself in an HireVue interview? ›

To introduce yourself professionally in an interview, start with a polite greeting, state your full name, mention your educational background and relevant work experience, highlight key skills and strengths, briefly share your career objective, and express gratitude for the opportunity.

Does HireVue use an algorithm? ›

How does HireVue leverage AI? At HireVue, we use static algorithms because that is the best way to provide fair and similar treatment for all candidates.

Should you look into the camera on HireVue? ›

Try to look at the camera, as it will give the interviewers the impression that you are making eye contact with them. apparent to the interviewer(s) that you're reading. clarify the question. If you need a minute to reflect on a question, tell the interviewer(s) that you need a minute to think about it.

How do you score high points in an interview? ›

Do not purport to be the best in your field or even perfect. "I deal well with stress and like to learn new things" is a possible answer that scores points. With regard to your weaknesses, keep things in proportion and work towards a goal. Specify things that are easy to work on.

What browser is best for HireVue? ›

Browser – Chrome (latest), Firefox (latest), Internet Explorer 11+, or Safari 9+ Adobe Flash Player version 11.6 or higher (unless using Chrome) Machine processor – minimum 1 GHz (2.0 GHz recommended)


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.